KEY Search v 1.01 README.DOC FILE ================================= Welcome to KEY Search. This file contains details of any last minute additions or alterations that haven't made it into the main documentation, plus some miscellaneous information. Please do read this file before proceeding. BBS Support: KEY Search is supported on the following BBSs: i) Shareware Support BBS, UK - (0442) 891109/890807 HST/V32bis etc. Leave messages addressed to "ADRIAN MARDLIN". ii) Runway BBS, USA - 215-623-6203 HST/V32 etc. Join conference 77 (Shareable Software International) and address messages to "BILL DICKSON". iii) Compuserve - UKSHARE Lib 10. Leave messages in UKSHARE forum 10 or send as private Email to Adrian Mardlin 76004,3436 (UK) or Bill Dickson 76226,2652 (USA). iv) KEY Search is also uploaded to over 200 BBSs in the USA, and over 20 BBSs in the UK. Look for PC Board or Wildcat BBSs running at 9600 bps or better - you should find it there.